A friendly announcement containing details to our most current Change Log (for full details refer to the Documentation folder and help.html file):
New Features:
1. The ability to disable or enable lightbox on Portfolio images.
2. The ability to disable or enable comments on Portfolio items.
3. The ability to disable or enable lightbox in your Blog posts.
4. The ability to disable or enable dates on Blog Posts and Portfolio items.
5. Theme Updates Notification – Now in your Dashboard, receive updates!
In version 4, we’ll be releasing many new features. One of those features will be the ability to add in individual galleries within each Portfolio Item. As well the ability to add Galleries inside Blog posts. Along with the release of version 4, we’ll also be announcing our official Support Forums for all Denoizzed related templates, as well (why stop here?!) we’ll be re-releasing a whole new series of video tutorials to help our buyers out!