It’s a commonly question we are asked:
[blockquote]What’s the difference between Galleries and Portfolios?[/blockquote]
These are single page collections of images that when clicked will open in lightbox to display the images you’ve chosen to upload / attach to that Page/Post. There is no pagination and you cannot assign links to Gallery images so when clicked opens in a new page. At least not when using one of our 5 customized galleries in KingSize.
Galleries, in short, are to provide you with the ability to share multiple photos within a single page/post that enable you to have a dynamic effect when clicked (ie., open in lightbox). You can assign various gallery types (ie., Colorbox, Fancybox, Galleria, PrettyPhoto and SlideViewer). You may choose to use various layouts (ie., 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns and grid layouts).
They’re great for using inside Portfolio items to share additional images and for including inside your posts to share images and experiences.
Unlike the use of Galleries, Portfolios allow for the use of “Pagination” and will allow you to link to the “single portfolio item” you’ve created, or link to other pages and websites using the “Custom Link” options within the Portfolio write-panel.
Similar to Galleries, you can assign a thumbnail that when clicked is opened in lightbox (although at this time in version 4 and lower, the only lightbox available for Portfolios is PrettyPhoto although in a later version we’ll be including options so you can customize which lightbox effects are used for Portfolios).
Portfolios allow you to expand on the single item – for example, if you’re a web developer, or photographer, you can use a “Featured Image” as your main thumbnail and when clicked, the user / visitor is taken to single Portfolio item post where additional details are found that share a overview of the project / experience.